ATS2 can avoid some of FreeBSD Problem Reports
‒ April 19, 2021
Mechanically avoid 12% of latest FreeBSD Problem Reports without code review.
ATS2 and VeriFast avoid some of FreeBSD vulnerabilities
‒ October 14, 2020
Mechanically avoid 16% of latest FreeBSD vulnerabilities without code review.
A toy translator C to ATS
‒ July 19, 2019
Try to translate IDIOMATIC C code into human readable ATS code.
So long VeriFast, and see again ATS
‒ November 13, 2018
Shutdown Chiers iteration, and Come back to Bohai.
c2ats - An utility to generate ATS interface from C code
‒ September 17, 2016
Create scaffold to rewrite large Unix-like kernel using ATS.
Functional IoT Meetup
‒ January 30, 2016
First meetup to talk about Functional programming on embedded device.
Metasepi's going year and coming year, 2015
‒ December 31, 2015
Look back on 2015, and dream next year!
ATS Programming Tutorial at PPL 2015
‒ March 6, 2015
An ATS Programming Tutorial for beginner.
Metasepi team meeting
‒ October 19, 2014
ATS application on Arduino Uno
(UnderConstruction) ATS2 internal overview
‒ September 14, 2014
First trying to read source code of ATS2 compiler.
Metasepi team meeting
‒ September 4, 2014
It's showtime at Haskell Symposium 2014!
Metasepi team meeting
‒ August 24, 2014
Propaganda of ATS lanugage for Japanese researchers.
Metasepi team meeting
‒ August 2, 2014
Why ATS language is safe?
Metasepi team meeting
‒ July 4, 2014
Functional Nagoya likes ATS language?
Start! ATS programming
‒ May 11, 2014
First try to run ATS code on tiny MCU
Metasepi team meeting
‒ March 1, 2014
A debrief meeting of Arafura iteration
Metasepi team meeting
‒ January 5, 2014
Let's prefetch Internet of Things (IoT) using functional language!
Kickoff Japan ATS User Group (JATS-UG) and Ajhc's future plan
‒ December 24, 2013
Build a portal site to pool infomation about ATS lanugage in Japanese
ML programmer's guide to ATS translated into Japanese
‒ December 23, 2013
Let's use the other language of Haskell for Snatch-deriven development!