Metasepi maps Unix-like kernel design into the functional sea.
ATS2 can avoid some of FreeBSD Problem Reports
‒ April 19, 2021
Mechanically avoid 12% of latest FreeBSD Problem Reports without code review.
ATS2 and VeriFast avoid some of FreeBSD vulnerabilities
‒ October 14, 2020
Mechanically avoid 16% of latest FreeBSD vulnerabilities without code review.
A toy translator C to ATS
‒ July 19, 2019
Try to translate IDIOMATIC C code into human readable ATS code.
So long VeriFast, and see again ATS
‒ November 13, 2018
Shutdown Chiers iteration, and Come back to Bohai.
You must buy SyncStitch with only 64,800 JPY!
‒ October 15, 2018
Dive into CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) modeling.
Sub Projects
- Japanese translations about ATS, VeriFast, and F*
- Functional IoT is a wrestling mat that strong typed languages fight on
- Ajhc is a Haskell compiler for Arafura iteration (shutdowned)